Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bert & Ernie

I received a comment from a new reader (or, perhaps a long-time reader, but ... at the very least... a new commenter). Regardless, his name is Bert. Welcome Bert.

It made me think of Bert & Ernie.

Does anyone know where the names for Bert & Ernie came from?

I'll give you a hint.... they weren't originally muppet names.
In fact, they'd been used on the Silver Screen LONG before Jim Henson was a household name...

Muse over that, throw out some answers, and I'll come back with the Real Answer in the next day or two.

(Here's another little hint: those of you who know me know that I LOVE the source where these names originally came from.... and that's ALL I'm going to say....)


ChiTown Girl said...

why do I vaguely remember it having something to do with "It's a Wonderful Life?" Weren't those the names of two angels? I've never seen the movie (I know, I know....) so I don't know for sure.

HWHL said...

Chi Town is on the right track.... correct movie (very good - my all time favorite film!)... but now does anyone remember the occupations of Bert & Ernie???

(They weren't angels - that was Clarence - but what were they?)

Anyone? Anyone?

HWHL said...

(And ChiTown Girl, you MUST see the movie. Seriously. BEST movie ever made. Hands down.)

Jason, as himself said...

I don't know the answer, but it looks like Bert is making the rounds! He's new to The Jason Show.

Welcome, Bert!

Busy Bee Suz said...

why do you make me work my brain????? This is why I am 24 instead of 15 in real brain hurts. :)

Unknown said...

I have no idea! Now I am intrigued! You are so cool!

Bert hasn't come to my blog either. Maybe I should go so hi : )

HWHL said...

I can't buh-leeve no one has gotten this?! ChiTown came the closest, and she hasn't even seen the movie!

Here's the answer: Bert and Ernie are indeed characters from (the best movie ever made) "It's a Wonderful Life"... the play the policeman and the cabbie, who are George Bailey's two good friends.

And for those of you who HAVEN'T seen the movie, CHOP CHOP!!! Go see it! Tonight is the Perfect Night!

TheUndertaker said...

Oh I love Bert and Ernie, they have been around forever, huh! A bit like that movie... 1946 was it made? Was it a remake since then? Not so sure...

Gberger said...

I second the motion: anyone who has not seen "It's a Wonderful Life" needs to see it right away, preferably before the holiday weekend is over. One of the best movies ever made!