Earlier today I ran into Max Cleland while I was having lunch in Buckhead with a girlfriend.
For those of you unfamiliar with Max Cleland, he is a former U.S. Senator from the fine State of Georgia, as well as a former Vietnam Era military hero. Mr. Cleland was awarded both the Silver Star and the Bronze Star for valor during combat, as his brave and selfless actions undoubtedly saved the lives of many others. He lost both legs and one arm (yes, that makes him a TRIPLE amputee) in service to his country.
I had last seen Max Cleland, 23 years ago, when he came to speak at my high school. I remember how impressed and genuinely moved I was by what he had to say (and, as we all know, it's pretty tough to impress a jaded, know-it-all 16 year old).
So, today, after my friend and I finished our crab cakes, I made my way over to his table, introduced myself, shook his hand and we spoke for a bit. One of his lunch companions had just returned from active duty in Iraq; I thanked him for his service. I, like most other Americans, have serious concerns about our planning (or lack thereof) in Iraq, as well as our "extrication strategy". Regardless of how I felt, I wanted to sincerely thank these two military men for serving our country. They did their job, and we owe them thanks, and honor.
When I came home after lunch, I googled Max Cleland and was reminded of a recent unpleasant incident involving the ever-incendiary (and increasingly unpleasant) Ann Coulter. Ann Coulter had the nerve to assert that Max Cleland wasn't "really" wounded in combat and had "dropped the grenade on himself" and was using his injuries for political gain. Amazing. I've never been an Ann Coulter fan, but she really knows no limits to how low she'll stoop for ratings and shock value, does she? And what bothers me the most about Ms. Coulter is how loudy she crows that she's a Christian. Is she acquainted, at all, with the concept of God's grace? That it's a free gift? And that we are to give freely as well and not judge? (Bring salt and light into the world? Does ANY of this sound familiar to her?) If she is acquainted with these basic tenets of the faith, she certainly hides it well. Unfortunately, I see her "brand" of Christianity driving people away from the faith.... she is of the same mindset that brought the Crusades into the world; she is of the same mindset that burned heretics at the stake; she is of the same mindset that drowned supposed "witches"; she is of the same mindset that announced that "the skulls of unbaptized babies pave the road to Hell".
Can you tell I'm riled up?
I must say - I was thrilled not long ago when Elizabeth Edwards took Ann Coulter to task on live TV and basically kicked her *ss. Coulter sooo deserved it, and Mrs. Edwards was right on the money... eloquent, succinct, and very firm. (Well done, Mrs. Edwards.)
I think history will view Max Cleland as a True Hero.... a man who served his country on the battlefield, and then came home and served his country again as a public servant. As far as Ann Coulter, I think history will view her as little more than a coward; an incendiary Talking Head who existed mainly to stir up controvery, then line her pockets with the royalties from her many books. She is, indeed, nothing more than a mean-spirited moral bully.
2 weeks ago
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