Sunday, December 16, 2007

Winter Blessings

To every yin, there is a yang......
Interestingly, my melancholia has been tempered the past day or so by life's little blessings that seem to have stood up and "declared" themselves to me. There is nothing earth-shaking here; simple things, really, and things that would be quite easy to take for granted.

However, I'm trying hard to see the simple gifts that are tucked into every single day. So, here they are.... the Small Blessings I've noticed over the past couple of days:

  • The feel of really soft, freshly laundered flannel sheets on my skin as I get into bed after a long cold day.

  • Snuggling up next to my still-asleep husband early in the morning, while the house is still dark and quiet.

  • Having complete peace in the evening after the children have gone to sleep, and having time to read my book and sip a cup of hot coffee laced with a bit of Grand Marnier. (Yum.)

  • Seeing the wonder and excitement in small children's faces when they see Santa ("the man") at the mall.

  • Having legs that work. (Each time I see someone confined to a wheelchair I am reminded to whisper a prayer of thanks that my body functions as it should.)

  • My 11 year old son and 10 year old daughter, who are two of the funniest people I know.

  • My sweet dog Ruby, who truly believes the sun, the moon and all the planets orbit around me.
  • Having an evening bubblebath with a glass of wine and a really good book.

  • The austere beauty of a tree's barren branches against a cold, hard-blue Winter sky.

  • Watching my husband build a fire and being convinced, yet again, that he is just the best looking man on the planet.

  • Singing my favorite hymn ("I Stand Amazed") in church this morning while standing next to two of my good friends and realizing all 3 of us are crying because we're all simultaneously overwhelmed by God's love. Now that is cool.

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