- My favorite food is blueberries. I'm completely obsessed with them and have been known to eat 2 pints at one sitting.
- My least favorite foods are beets and pickles.
- I am double jointed and can do certain things that would cause most people considerable pain.
- I used to be a great swimmer and have won blue ribbons for backstroke and breaststroke.
- I lived in the Azores, Portugal for 3 years.
- I moved to NYC two weeks after my 18th birthday to become an actress. Philip Seymour Hoffman was one of my classmates in acting school. I knew him well and he was a wonderful, down-to-earth guy; I have enjoyed watching his career blossom and was thrilled when he won the Oscar for "Capote".
- My first job was at Dairy Queen in Tucker, Georgia when I was 16 years old.
- I love to read and watch movies. However, I think TV is a complete waste of time.
- I'm an absolutely abysmal cook. The last meal I prepared for my family resembled Alpo over rice. I thought my kids were going to burst into tears. Luckily my husband is a great cook, so it all works out.
- I think Disney World is the single most over-rated attraction in the U.S. I've been twice and was disappointed both times.
- There is a height difference of almost a foot and a half between me and my husband (I'm 5'1", he is 6'6").
- I have a maggot phobia. Roaches and spiders I can handle, but if I see maggots I scream like a little girl, and run away.
- I used to get migraines 3 - 4 times per week. Thankfully there is medication I now take twice a day that prevents them. Two of the weird side effects of this medication are: carbonated drinks taste awful (therefore, I no longer drink beer - it just doesn't taste good now. Bummer) and the second is it gives me "brain fog" and I frequently struggle to organize my thoughts, which is very frustrating. However, both of these side effects are much better than dealing with migraines. I now only get migraines maybe once or twice a month.
- One of my best friends is a published author - you can buy her books at any bookstore, or on Amazon.
- I finished second in the 6th grade spelling bee.
- I am creeped out by clowns. This has nothing to do with Stephen King. I've been scared of clowns since I was a little, little kid.
- In 11th grade, I was suspended from school for chronically cutting class. (I was bored.)
- I used to climb trees every day as a kid and sit up there for hours, with a book, and read. I loved being alone and reading where no one could bug me.
- The house I grew up in had a hidden staircase (behind a bookshelf). It led to a large room over the garage. My friends and I thought this was THE coolest thing ever.
- Think & Grow Rich is my 2nd favorite book (the Bible is my favorite). I have read T&GR at least 3 times cover to cover, and have bought many copies for friends and family members. (The Secret is the "poor man's imitation" of T&GR... and is a very inferior rip-off of the ideas espoused in T&GR).
- I love getting up early, before the sun is up (and while my family is still asleep). This is the best time to have "alone time" with God, and to watch the sun rise and see a new day unfold.
- I have been through 2 hurricanes and 1 tornado. The tornado was, by far, the scariest of these events.
- I love to sing. I sing in the shower, in the car, while working, while cleaning, at church, and basically any place I can get away with it. However, I have a very average (at best) singing voice.
- In the Myers Briggs personality test, I am an ENFJ.
- In the 4th grade, I asked my Mom if I could have my name legally changed to "Bubbles". She said no.
- I am a registered Democrat but I am also strongly pro-life.
- I am a committed Christian. (I prefer ther term "committed" to "evangelical" as I have yet to stand on a street corner and yell at strangers: "Turn or burn, people!". That's just not the way to win people to Christ, in my humble opinion...)
- I have no inherent sense of direction and frequently get lost.
- I still know all the words to Sugar Hill Gang's "Rapper's Delight" - it was my favorite song when I was 12.
- I wear a size 5 shoe which is all but impossible to find in womens shoe departments. Sometimes I buy sneakers in the kids department. As long as they don't have the Little Mermaid on them, it's OK by me to wear childrens shoes.
- My first car was a 1967 VW bug. It cost $700 and was a great car.
- Up until I turned 40, I had a memory like a steel trap.
- I worked at Spiegel in college and one day took a phone order from Naomi Judd. She was a sweetheart on the phone.
- Growing up, I wanted to be a veterinarian and have 6 kids.
- I sometimes sleepwalk. This alarms my husband greatly.
- My favorite color is blue.
- My favorite perfumes are: CK "Be" and D&G "Light Blue"
- I have a degree in History, which has proven relatively worthless, except when I play Trivial Pursuit. Then it comes in quite handy.
- If I won the lottery, I would make very few changes in my life. I love what I do for a living and I work for myself, so I would continue to work. I've never been attached to "status" things.... so building a big pretentious house or driving a flashy car wouldn't be my cup of tea either. I would probably be a philanthropist and give a lot of money away; I'd also travel a lot with my husband and kids. My life would stay much the same as it is now.
- My idea of the perfect afternoon: being on the beach, under a big beach umbrella, and reading a great book.... then dozing off to sleep with the sounds of the ocean in the background and a nice warm breeze blowing over me. That's just a delightful thought.
2 months ago
Wow, you are so interesting! I liked reading those little bits. I wish you could teach me how to hate TV and love waking up early in the morning!
It's funny... the TV in our bedroom just died this morning. My husband is in a NEAR PANIC over it... However, I'm secretly THRILLED. :-)
Wow! I could comment on every single one of these things about you. Very interesting stuff! I especially liked the one about wanting to change your name to "Bubbles".
I like you even more than I did before.
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