Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Grocery Game.... (any users out there?)

Hey blogger buds.... do any of y'all use the "Grocery Game" system?
I had heard about it somewhere before out in the Blogistan (but can't for the LIFE of me remember where....)

I stumbled upon the website for it, and it looks like a good deal to me. Apparently you can save around 40% - 80% on your weekly grocery bill.

Anyway, let me know if any of you use it, and if so, has it been successful for you?
I'd be very interested in hearing your comments, and will share them with everyone... after all we're all in this 'shaky economy' together, and I know we ALL want to minimize our expenditures as much as possible!

Thanks, guys!


Busy Bee Suz said...

I have tried and it learned about it from Jason...that is where you most likely saw it.
it is a good deal, but my problem is you have to remember to go online, make a good list, check it again later and so on... I am just a goof when it comes to this.
I am going to try to do better though. I have been remembering to cut and bring coupons to the store now, just not the right ones!!!!

Najia said...

Haven't heard of it, but I'll definitely be checking back to see what you find. I'm definitely interested!

HWHL said...

YES, it was Jason! I'm going to ask him to be a "Guest Commentator" on this.... thanks for jogging my memory!

Anonymous said...

Never heard of it but it does sound intriguing!

Jason, as himself said...

Hey! Thanks for asking me to stop by. Yes, it was me you heard all of this Grocery Game stuff from. I have been OBSESSED with it in the past. If you play it correctly, you really can end up saving a lot of money. Especially if your grocery stores offer double coupons. Just recently our local stores modified their double coupon policies, doubling only up one dollar. Before, they would double a one dollar coupon up to two dollars, which made a number of things free each week.

The idea behind it is that it matches sale prices to current coupons each week, providing extra savings. But like Suz said, you do have to stay on top of it by cutting and organizing the coupons and then spending some time making your list using the website. So you must be prepared in order to make it work. Plus, to get the real savings, you have to stick with it over a period of weeks and months, stockpiling when things are at their cheapest. Also--you have to make sure you buy only what you would ordinarily buy anyway, and if there's a still a cheaper generic alternative, go with it.

Anyway, lately I haven't been into it as much, partly because of the double coupon policy changes, and a lot of things on the lists are things that I don't really need.

If you have any other questions, I'd be happy to offer my opinion.

Take care!

HWHL said...

Thank you Jason!

The Girl Next Door said...

I'm lucky if I can rememeber to GO to the grocery store!

Sugar Jones said...

I can't wait to check out the site! I actually challenged myself to stick to $300 for the month in groceries. We went over, but not by much. It's not easy, but it can be done. Leaves us a little wiggle room for us to take the family out for a nice meal once in a while. :)

So, I tagged you on my site. Come on over for the details: