But I made it home. (Call CNN.)
I considered, briefly, heading to the gym during the enduring monsoon but thought better of it... not only due to the fact that I'd be putting myself in immediate peril, but due to the fact that my body is SHOUTING LOUDLY that it hurts. Yes, I joined a gym last week... YES, I'm working out now and YES I really enjoy it. But my muscles that normally aren't used during my daily Insurance Nerd-SuperGirl duties are muttering and COMPLAINING LOUDLY..
My biceps are bitching.
My quads are quibbling.
My glutes are..... grumbling....
BUT (damnit) I'm going to lose 10 lbs and be less jiggly if it KILLS me (and it just might).
But the lightning won't be killing me. (At least not tonight.)