Sunday, December 14, 2008

Hubster has a VERY High Fever tonight....

...either that, or aliens have taken over his body....

I just found him cleaning the kitchen. And I'm not talking about just "tidying up" and putting away pots and pans. He had cleared off all the appliances (coffee maker, toaster, etc), and all the other stuff on the countertops and was using 409 and a sponge and SCRUBBING until the counters were spotless.

I just stood there, furrowed brow, and said ".... You sure LOOK like my husband....."

(Is there a full moon tonight? I wonder if he's going to shape-shift into a werewolf or something....)


Gberger said...

Sounds like nesting, to me...Hhmmm. Hormones? Full moon? Please let us know if he tackles any other rooms.

Boquinha said...

There's nothing sexier!

Michele said...

Heh... a rare breed indeed! Just sit back and enjoy it. Housework is something my hubby is not too keen on doing and when he does get those moments, it's the most beautiful feeling in the world! But.... he will never do bathrooms... that I have yet to see! LOL

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh so funny.....enjoy...don't ruin it.

HWHL said...

He pooped out after completing all but one of the counters. So I have one that is dingy... guess I will do that one myself this morning. But the others are really quite sparkling. :-)

Unfortunately though, Karen, he did not tackle any other rooms. I was SECRETLY hoping he would move onto the bathrooms but - alas - it wasn't meant to be.