Sunday, March 9, 2008

Blessings Apparent to Me this 9th day of March

  1. An icy cold Mountain Dew sitting in front of me as I type this. :-)
  2. My husband, who after 16 years of marriage, is just as sexy and funny as when I met him all those years ago.... my love for him has deepened with time, and the "bumps" in the road have only served to strengthen our marriage.
  3. My sweet, funny son who looks more like his Daddy every day.
  4. My hilarious, smart-aleck daughter who is indeed a wild filly. I love her independent spirit.
  5. The fact that I have a body and a brain that both function as they should (thank you, God).
  6. Girl Scout Cookies! (are Thin Mints da bomb, or WHAT?!)
  7. Two great parents - both still alive - who did an awesome job raising me and my siblings
  8. Having great siblings - even though I don't get to see them as much as I would like. Thank goodness for email.
  9. Wonderful friends who make me laugh and "get" me, quirks and all.
  10. A fabulous church community (12Stone) that I love and cherish. A fabulous pastor (Kevin) who gives us meaningful, relevant messages to ponder and muse over every week. It is an awesome experience to worship the Father there.
  11. The fact that I have worthwhile and meaningful work that I enjoy. I love being an entrepreneur and 'controlling my destiny'.
  12. The fact that I was born an American and can do and say whatever I want, and not be worried about being carted off somewhere and disappearing, simply because I publicly disagreed with the government. (We take our freedoms so for granted, don't we?)

I see bumper stickers (and hats and t-shirts, etc) that say "Life Is Good" and I couldn't agree more. Yes, there are serious problems in our society, without a doubt, but as far as I'm concerned.... on the Balance Sheet of My Life.... I'm choosing to focus on the blessings.

I thank God, because I know that every good gift comes from Him. (James 1:17). Further, I know that when I delight myself in God and in His teachings, He will give me the desires of my heart. (Psalm 37:4)

These are God's promises; and God does not break his promises.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

You write so beautifully...
you are blessed little lady!
Glad to see you are enjoying all the blessings you have been given!!! That's why I heart you!