I used to love scary movies. In fact, when I was 13 "Halloween" was my favorite movie (creepy, but true, fact).
But now I can't handle them. At all.
In fact, I hide under the covers if hubby or kids are watching anything even remotely scary.
So last night I went upstairs, book in hand, to read before bedtime. Hubby was already in bed, watching some TV show about parasites. It was strangely fascinating, so I put my book down and watched along with him.
We watched about the man who ate some raw fish and wound up with a 2 foot tapeworm in his intestine (ick) that he had to then manually pull out (double-ick). Well, the fascination quickly turned to horror when the show turned to a discussion of loa-loa, or African Eye-Worm. This stuff is WAY scarier than any horror movie, because it's REAL.
Here's a link, if you want to see the graphic photos. (On the TV show, you could actually SEE the worm wiggling across the cornea of this poor man's eye.... I think I would have passed out if that happened to me...)
2 months ago
1 comment:
I hate this kind of stuff...but I too was sucked into it because someone else was watching it.
SO gross!
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