So last night my husband says to me, as I'm coughing and wheezing in bed for the umpteenth time this month: "I think you should see the doctor about that cough."
Of course I protested - I'm fine... I'm not running a fever... I'm too busy to go see the doctor, blah, blah, blah.
Anyway, he was pretty insistent, and I have been coughing all night every night for about a month, so to appease him, I dragged myself to the doctor today.
The litany of questions went something like this:
Doc: How long have you been coughing?
Me: About a month.
Doc: Are you coughing up any sputum?
Me: Um, yes.
Doc: Are you having any shortness of breath?
Me; Um, yes.
Doc: Are you having any heaviness in your chest?
Me: It kind of feels like a toddler is sitting on my chest when I breathe.
Doc (starting to look alarmed): I think you need a chest x-ray.
Me: Ok.
Long story short, the x-ray showed a "questionable area" in my lungs and I probably have Walking Pneumonia (the radiologist should be confirming this over the next day or two). I guess because all these symptoms happened so gradually (and I ignored them until today's Medical Interrogation....), I just took it for granted.
Anyway, I'm glad hubby was so persistent.
I heart him.
2 months ago
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