Monday, September 1, 2008

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Last night S (my 10 year old) asked me "So, why is Labor Day a holiday? Is it to celebrate that lady who had seven kids at the same time?"

(Earlier in the day, she had asked about what it was like when she was born.... so obviously the term "labor" was fresh in her mind....)

I bet Bobbi McCaughey would get a good laugh out of S's question. :-)


Laurie Brandriet Keller said...

Hi Girlfriend. I hope your birthday was awesome. Thank you for your prayers and love. These past few weeks have been sooooo stressful. Things are definitely looking up at this point. xoxo.

Suzanne said...

That is extremely cute.
My thoughts are with those in the path of Gustov. It is not going to be good.

HWHL said...

Laurie - I'm glad to hear things are looking up!

You are made of that VERY strong and resilient Upper Midwest stock.... so I know you won't be down for long!

Remember that mantra: One.Day.At.A.Time.

You can do it - I know it!