Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Lime Time

I love my new "lime clock". Isn't it cute? Every time I look at it it makes me want to go have a refreshing Mojito somewhere. :-)

(Props to fellow blogger-mom Abby for posting a pear clock on her blog... she's the one who gave me the idea in the first place.)

AND having a little clock right there reminds me that "HELLO? You should be WORKING, missy, rather than playing on the internet."

So, it's all good.
Plus I get my recommended daily allowance of Vitamin C.


Suzanne said...

Your clock is adorable.
It did take me a minute to find it.
I am quite the detective.
Makes me think of a corona.
Can't have one of them without a lime, now can you!

HWHL said...

Mojitos, Coronas..... limes are SUCH a versatile fruit.

AND they prevent scurvy. Who could ask for more? :-)