Friday, April 11, 2008

Neither Rain, Snow, Sleet or Hail.... but Definitely Termites

I had a bit of a surreal experience this morning.

I've noticed over the past few days that our mailbox has been leaning forward, somewhat precariously. I attributed this to Carlos, our yard guy, hitting the post one too many times with the weed whacker. (Carlos is a great yard guy.... weeds don't stand a chance.)

So, I go out today to assess the situation and barely touch the mailbox and the whole mailbox/post combo (which is quite heavy) falls completely over. Kaboom. Termites had completely eaten all the wood that was beneath the ground. Absolutely amazing. It was basically sawdust.

Our house is protected against termites, but I never thought about protecting the mailbox post.

A couple of hours later, the postman came by. I assumed he would park his little truck and politely run the mail up the driveway and knock on the door. No such luck. He took one look at the "absentee post" and kept right on driving.

Gee whiz. So much for their little Valiant Creed that they spout off. (Reminds me of Newman, the postal carrier from Seinfeld.... remember him? he wouldn't even deliver in the RAIN!! I'm sure termites would have sent him over the edge!)



Suzanne said...

Poor mailbox.
Newman was a devil...wasn't he?
Our mailbox has been run over several times. The mail carrier will hold my mail until we repair it. They don't even think of going up my driveway...

HWHL said...

I know - isn't that crazy? Seems a little lazy to me.... after all, what's a quick little jog up the driveway? I would think they'd welcome 30 seconds of cardio...
Apparently NOT.

C'est la vie.

The new box has been installed this weekend, so we should be good for 10 more years (hopefully).