I think we should ALL strive to use the world Hullabaloo more in everday conversation!
(I just love this "lost in translation" stuff.... it always really tickles me!) :-)
The Assorted Wanderings, Wonderings, and Miscellaneous Musings of a Suburban Wife & Mother
Awake O'Sleeper from Brandon McCormick on Vimeo.
I'm so glad that this gave you some giggles; I LOVE that website.
Thank you for the kind "shout out." I am trying to snap out of the gloom, and I appreciate your uplifting comment, but we have to attend a funeral today, so I guess I am in for a bit more. I need to accept it, & simply "be" in the moment, supporting our friends.
Hope you had a great 4th.
my favorite site for this is www.engrish.com
Featured today:
Enjoy your life!
Enjoy your sock style!
Spending a summer in Asia provided me with countless encounters with the great way English can be constructed!
D'Arcy, my darling.... where HAVEN'T you been??!!
Seriously... I believe you have traversed the entire globe, yes?
I love (and am very envious of) the fact that are soooo well traveled. That is something I aspire to and will (God willing) achieve myself, one day!
You should do a Travel Blog.... or at the very least, a multi-part blog-o-licious segment on your travels...
You are frequently in my thoughts. I may have mentioned that I have a good friend at church who lost her son. Holidays are always very tough on her.... it underscores that there is "one missing" who should be there.
Sending love and prayers your way, my dear!
it is funny they use hullaballoo...however, the word is also synonymous with "noise"...so ostensibly, they are translating it correctly and probably more accuratly in that being an ever so polite and reserved culture they use hullaballoo to also request one does not create not only noise, but excitement.
I've already told S&J to "Keep the hullabaloo down!" earlier today.
They looked at me with furrowed brows... :-)
Did you check out the Rocky Mountain BC photos? They are ASTOUNDINGLY beautiful.
It's one of my favourite words.
Nice choice of photo.
I blog too much as it is! But, I'll do a good one on Greece when I get back.
Yeah, I've been most of the places I want to go. We will switch places soon, I'll be raising kids and you'll be traversing the globe. Both are good times!
Me, too! I'm off to visit this site right now.
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