I can't thank Smileygirl enough for turning me on to Sitemeter! I now feel like Inspector Clouseau with a big magnifying glass (and goofy hat), lurking behind the scenes to see who is visiting my blog. Turns out LOTS of people, from all over, are visiting my blog (which is great - the more the merrier!).
With Sitemeter, I can also find out what people are searching on to wind up landing on my blog.... The most humorous example I have found is a recent visitor from the United Arab Emirates who was searching on the phrase "Wild Party Wife" and was directed to my blog, and in particular, my posting on Diva's Wild Party at 3 AM. (and my vivid description of scooping up puppy poop at 3 AM while my husband snored loudly on the couch...) I'm sure my UAE visitor was WOEFULLY disappointed, as that was undoubtedly NOT what he wanted to see when he typed "Wild Party Wife" into Google. :-)
So sorry fella. ;-)
So glad you downloaded it! It's really funny to see the searches out there. The most prevalent ones I'm getting revolve around McDonald's Iced coffee and diarrhea.
lol that's a good one....i've never used sitemeter cuz i afraid i'd spend all my time watching to see who visits from where!! lol i'd be in even more trouble for spending so much time on the computer.....but after reading this post, i may have to check it out again.....
Happy Wife: Speaking of blog management issues, how do you get so many posts to appear on your blog?
Mine only allows 4 or 5.
I'm not really sure.... it's never limited me to the amount or posts, or anything. Maybe I snuck in under the radar? Not sure....
FUNNY. I still can't tell how someone finds me...I must play with it some more.
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