Saturday, August 30, 2008

"All American Beauty"

That's what I've entitled this photo - "All American Beauty"....

Last night inspired it: 30 minutes of daylight left...... reading a good book on my front porch..... while drinking an icy cold Mountain Dew (Suz, you don't know what you're missing, girl).... and counting my blessings, instead of my wants.....

Realizing how fortunate I am to live in this great country, to have a nice roof over my head, good food in my belly, two healthy and happy children, a husband who loves me (and whom I love), enough money that all our needs our covered (and many of our wants as well), etc., etc., etc.

It's all in how you look at it.


Suzanne said...

I appreciate the fact that you are counting your blessings. That is a good thing. Why do you have to include mountain dew into this?
yuck, yick. I have never had it, but it just looks like panther piss. :)

HWHL said...

Panther piss???? LOL.
You silly girl.

Jason, as himself said...

Panther piss, indeed! I love Mountain Dew.

And I'm grateful for all of those same things you're grateful for.

What a refreshing post.

Unknown said...

I don't get the mountain dew thing, but I totally get the front porch/quiet evening/counting my blessings thing....
