UPDATE: Hubster did very well with his surgery today... he's now downstairs resting on the couch with one dog in his lap, and the other at his feet. The doctor said everything went well, and he expects Ron will feel substantial relief from his back pain. Thank you all for your prayers, emails, sweet comments, and well wishes. Good friends (both local, and way out there... floating in the blogosphere) are the BEST! :-)
Hubster is having a surgical procedure on his back today. He's having something done called a facet neurotomy which is supposed to help with his chronic back pain (he's already had 2 back surgeries - one in the early 90's, and one in '05....). This is what happens when you are a career UPS man, and lift Really Heavy Stuff several times a day, year after year after year.
Anyway, please pray for Hubster today (Hubster's real name is Ron) that the surgery will be successful and will give him relief from his chronic pain and hopefully relief from his (related) moodiness and depression.
I would love nothing more than to have my happy, playful Hubster back....
1 month ago
You betcha... I'm sending out huge positive vibes your way with extra special cyber hugs and I will definitely pray for a full and speedy recovery for Ron. I know everything will turn out alright.
Hang in there sweetie! Let us know how things go.
awwww. I hope the surgery brings much needed relief. For the pain, and the grouchiness.
He is in my prayers.
Here's to quick healing and good drugs. If he's like most men, you'll have your hands FULL for a few days. But hope the results are worth it all!
sending many prayers your way...
prayers, blessings, and anything and everything I can send his way, I will!
very little in this world worse than back pain. hope all went well and ron's up and feeling better soon!
There is no pain worse than back pain. I hope he recovers quickly.
Now...go and eat some hummus.
Kia ora HWHL,
Best wishes and Kia kaha - Be Strong, to your hubby. Hope all goes well.
Ka kite ano,
So glad the surgery went okay- I'm sending along prayers for healing!
Prayers for healing are on their way.
BTW, does UPS have any transitional plans as a person moves into middle age?
I know even if I had good enough lung function to work at UPS, my back wouldn't take moving all those boxes at my age (37).
Deron - UPS has not transitional work for aging workers. Bascially, they take the stance that "if you can't handle it, find another job" (outside UPS). Hubster is 45, so as you can imagine, the damage has been done. UPS is a well respected company, but if people knew the toll it takes on the bodies of their drivers (and how management views these same workers as 100% "expendable"....)
As you can imagine, I get pretty riled up about it...
Am away from my computer and just got this news. I hope that Hubster's recovery continues smoothly, and that he gets some time off in the deal. God bless you, Hubs and the kids.
That sounds just horrible! Don't they even try to help their long term employees find another job?
What do most drivers end up doing for a second job?
I've never seen an older (60-ish) UPS driver. It's gotta be hard on the body. I used to unload semi-trucks full of books, and I could only stand that for about 3 months. At night, all my joints and muscles would be aching...and I was only 19!
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