Thursday, August 21, 2008

Bigfoot/Sasquatch In Georgia

It absolutely AMAZES me that this story gained national attention and a LIVE press conference.

Of course it was a hoax, people!!! (If you haven't heard the "rest of the story", it turns out that Bigfoot was nothing more than an ape costume, stuffed with slaughterhouse remains, and put in a large cooler with ice...)

Amazing what people are willing to believe, isn't it?

Here's the video when it was first "discovered"... both Fox and CNN covered it...


Suzanne said...

You are kidding me.
Everyone knows the realy sasquatch is right around the corner from me in the Everglades. People are so gullible.

HWHL said...

No way! The REAL sasquatch is working "sa-currity" at King Burger, with Bon-Qui-Qui! :-)

Unknown said...

like when everyone took the Da Vinci Code literally...remember those days?

HWHL said...

D'Arcy - you're so right! That drove me NUTS! I was like "Folks. This book is FICTION. Wake UP."

In fact, my pastor even did a mini series on The DaVinci Code because so MANY people were taking it literally....

I just get so riled up when people refuse to THINK for themselves!!!