Technology is wonderful, WHEN IT WORKS.
Over the past week, I've had a computer technician install a new hard drive in my Dell computer which is only 3 months old and which has had problem after problem since I received it in February (I have a sneaking suspicion this computer either fell off the truck in shipment, or perhaps fell down a flight of stairs at the Dell factory.... ). Either way, I believe I'm stuck with a lemon, however Dell paid for the new hard drive, so we'll see.....
Over the past week, I've had a computer technician install a new hard drive in my Dell computer which is only 3 months old and which has had problem after problem since I received it in February (I have a sneaking suspicion this computer either fell off the truck in shipment, or perhaps fell down a flight of stairs at the Dell factory.... ). Either way, I believe I'm stuck with a lemon, however Dell paid for the new hard drive, so we'll see.....
And then today I've been on the phone with the Earthlink help desk twice (and it's only 10 AM) because my email has suddenly stopped working. This is a BIG problem for me, considering about 75% of my work communications are done via email.
And guess what. The Earthlink tech guys were stumped (this is always a bit troubling.... )
Times like this I really miss the "old" workplace that I entered when I first got out of college in 1990.... email didn't exist; faxes were a rarity; no one had cell phones; and people still took "paper messages" if you weren't at your desk.
Don't get me wrong - I love what I do for a living and I love the freedom that technology "buys" me, but I definitely can relate to the cartoon above....
NOT fun.
Earthlink fixed the problem yesterday.... email worked for about 3 hours.... now it's back down.... (sigh)....
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