I am going to "borrow" part of this post today from Ann Voskamp whose blog, A Holy Experience, is one of my very favorites. How this woman (who describes herself as a 'simple farmer's wife and mother of 6') has such profound wisdom within her is amazing.... reading her blog is like sampling a really really rich and wonderful dessert. You can only take a little bite at a time, savor it, digest it, and then come back the next day for another little bite. Her writing is THAT good and that special.
Anyway, below is a selected "bit" from her posting today on Dandelions. (Personally, I love dandelions and always have.... I think they're beautiful.) If you'd like to check out Ann's blog, I can guarantee it will be well worth your time. The link is below, and there is also a link to it on my blog, on the sidebar, under "Blogs I Like to Muse".
Wishing flowers. Not weeds. But globes of prayer seeds to be caught up in the Spirit, carried where He blows.
Not weeds at all. For isn’t a weed only a weed if we don’t want it there?
I think about my life with its patches of tangle that I deem weeds. The messes I determine need eradication. Staining bunches of life I don’t want to touch, that I think best suits a garbage can.
Maybe I’m wrong.
True, I don’t want some of those tangles there: strong-willed children, chronic pain, lean finances. So I christen them weeds. But maybe God planted each here.
With God, there are no weeds, only gardens.
He redeems the weeds that took root in the Garden of Eden with the surrender of the Garden of Gethsemane. Though anguished to the point of pores oozing droplets of salty blood, Jesus took the cup. Gethsemane’s Garden pierced. But for our salvation.
God’s the redemptive Gardener, taking the dastardly meant for evil and using it for good. Petals intended for loveliness.
- Ann Voskamp, A Holy Experience http://aholyexperience.com/
Oh...this is so beautiful...I love these little clouds of wishes. My favorite scene from my favorite movie (beauty & the beast!) is when Belle is singing about the great wide somewhere and wishing on these seeds of hope! I neede this today...thanks.
Thanks for all the great links and ideas!
I will check out her blog too.
Thanks for sharing.
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