Insomnia used to plague me when my kids were really young. I guess I got so used to being up a lot with them when they were babies (especially since my son had asthma) that I never really let myself fall into a deep sleep. (That 'mommy radar' is always ON.)
Insomnia is now a rarity for me, thankfully, however it hit me full on last night. I just could not fall asleep... no matter what. After much tossing and turning I went downstairs, read, then watched bad B movies on cable, then re-arranged the 'junk' drawer in the kitchen, then went down to the basement and sorted out what was "garage sale-able".... but nothing worked. It was close to 2 AM and I was Wide Awake.
I finally took some Nyquil in a desperate attempt to DRUG myself to sleep. It worked and I finally dozed off around 2:30 AM.
When my alarm went off this morning at 6:30 I literally had a hard time standing up. (Note to self: best NOT to drug yourself to sleep if you only have 4 hours in which to sleep....)
Oh my gosh. Self medicating. that is great!!!!
You should be tired tonight...
did you drink any of the that Mountain Dew yesterday? That could be the culprit.
I was going to try to sneak in a nap today but it has been so busy. I have one offer to a candidate which is pending, and I have two interviews to set up for tomorrow which I've had to finalize. Plus, J's elem school graduation is tonight, and I've been trying to find him dress shoes (his, of course, are WAY too small, which we just ascertained this morning) so I've been working like crazy AND running around all day.
But it's all good. Eventually I'll find Sweet Bliss tonight with my pillow.... I've been fascinating about SLEEP all day... :-)
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