You'll just have to take this little test and find out, now won't you?
Turn up your speakers and have fun! :-)
The Assorted Wanderings, Wonderings, and Miscellaneous Musings of a Suburban Wife & Mother
Awake O'Sleeper from Brandon McCormick on Vimeo.
I didn't do so good. Most of this came out when I was in junior high, and my parents didn't really encourage us to listen to popular music.
Oh, well. I caught up later. I guess I was more late 80's early 90's. I might also be good at the 60's. But my strengths aren't so much a time period; it's more in individual groups. Once I find a group I like, I want to hear all their music.
Btw, I've liked all the tunes on your jukebox. It makes one hesitant to leave your site, because then the music stops.
I actually got a 65 on the test myself which I found shockingly BAD! Goes to show you how much you forget once you turn 40... I used to remember EVERYTHING... not anymore. Oh well.... c'est la vie.
Thanks for the compliments on the tunes....!
Right at question 8 my quiz stopped and I got a message saying they were undergoing unplanned maintenance! BUST!! I will have to go back. I had 2 wrong out of 8 at that point.
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