This is when we've decided to add the next member to our family.
Although we haven't selected her yet, we know she is going to be female and we know she's going to have beautiful mocha-colored fur.
And we also know she'll probably look something like one of these....

Hubster and I had a pure-bred Labrador Retriever when we were newlyweds (and we had her for just shy of 12 wonderful years), so we're well-versed in that breed's Awe-Inspiring Destructive Capabilities. They are fantastic family dogs though. Loyal, smart, and sweet.
I'm starting to get really excited. :-)
And I think our sweet Ruby will LOVE to have a Canine Companion to cavort with. It will surely bring out her "inner puppy" as well.
Yes...they are adorable.
We got my Mother in Law one for Christmas about 5 years ago. They had lost their choc. lab years before. When we got her "Jackson Browne" she fell in love...he is so mellow. He was an old man almost instantly.
Since then they have added a black lab, JT (James Taylor) and a yellow lab, Carly (simon)
Quite a brood....Good luck.
At least the kids will be home to help with the potty training!!!
Those are some GREAT names!
I remember you saying your mother-in-law has the "trio" of Labs...
Hubster has already named this one "Lady Godiva" and we're calling her "Diva" for short. I wanted to stick with the gemstone thing we have going ("Ruby" is our current dog) and name this one either "Pearl" or "Opal" but I've been voted down...).
House-breaking really won't be that big of a deal. (If you could see our carpets, you'd understand.) Once this pup is fully trained, we're getting new flooring for the whole house - woo hoo!
Those puppies are so adorable! Growing up all our dogs were named after Roman figures and Greek Gods---Caesar, Octavius (Gus), Hercules, and Circes.
OMG those faces!!! They are all so cute. Do you think you will end up with more than one?!?!
The kids are going to SOOOOO love having a pup. Teaches them a lot about responsibility and nurturing too. This will be a summer they will never forget.
I know - aren't they so cute? I just want to lay down and let them lick my face! :-)
I'd love to have more than one.... we'll have to see what happens. :-)
I'm sure they're will be many posts to come about "Adventures In Puppyhood". :-)
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