This beautiful little creature has come to visit my backyard fairly regularly over the past week or so. Isn't he (she?) gorgeous? Look at those colors! Absolute magnificence.
(Still amazing to me how people believe that THIS creature, that a human, that a leopard, that a giraffe, that a dolphin, and that ALL living creatures just happened to evolve from a Big Bang... and that no Creative Designer was involved).
Here's a great quote to muse:
"The probability of life originating from an accident is comparable to the probability of an unabridged dictionary resulting from an explosion in a printing shop."
-Professor Edwin Conklin, Princeton University
I love the quote.
Yes, I agree....the big guy in the sky is a fantaastic designer. You can see it everywhere.
He must have been feeling silly the day he came up with anteaters and many other things too.
And the platypus. That must have been a "whimsical moment". :-)
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