Then all of a sudden my husband excitedly proclaimed, "Hey guys, look at that - those fighter jets are flying maneuvers over the beach!" He really truly thought the pelicans were fighter jets. (Hunter AAF is nearby, so it's feasible.... but these were clearly pelicans.)
The kids and I will never let him live this down of course.... and he will be seeing the ophthamologist very soon.

I had a really tough time making the leap to glasses. I remember I went from having perfect vision in the 4th grade to needing glasses in the 5th grade. I was absolutely horrified.
And just think. Now I wear oxygen tubing wherever I go and walk as slow as an old hobbled grandpa. I'm not too much on the outside (hopefully I'm a little more on the inside).
To quote popular culture, you are "all that AND a bag of chips!" :-)
Oh...poor Ron.
I felt his pain....Just a month or so before my 40th. I really just stopped seeing. I thought for sure it was a brain tumor.
no, I just needed stronger glasses. Now I have about 4 pair that I leave all over the house. life is good again.
Wow, that is an awesome story. I've been almost blind since the age of 12, so I just can't mock, only sympathize.
One night I forgot to take out my contacts and fell asleep. I was about 15. I woke up the next morning and thought my eyes had been healed. I shouted "I'm healed!! I can see!" and then I thought, this just doesn't happen, and I realized I had slept with them in. These were the days before you could wear contacts to bed and be ok. I was so freaked out I was going to get an eye infection.
But for about 10 pure seconds, I thought I was healed. It was a good feeling.
Oh, poor thing - how funny!!!
Hope you are having a good weekend - see you soon - Kellan
My vision is really bad too. I think my prescription is a -5.75 or something like that. All I know is I literally cannot function at ALL without glasses or contacts. (So, I guess I'm jealous my husband has made it to age 44 without wearing ANY corrective lenses!!) Lucky ducky.
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