Had to change up the tunes, folks..... gotta get out of this pensive MOOD I'm in!!
So.....turn up your speakers, strap on your roller skates, and enjoy! :-)
2 months ago
The Assorted Wanderings, Wonderings, and Miscellaneous Musings of a Suburban Wife & Mother
Awake O'Sleeper from Brandon McCormick on Vimeo.
I LOVE me some rappers delight..."with a hip hop a hippity hop and you don't stop"
me TOO! I memorized this song when I was 12 and I STILL know all the words! (kind of like the weird fact that I can still sing the Preamble to the Constitution, thanks to SchoolHouse Rock... remember that???)
Love school house rock...
Jeff and I frequently quote from the show....
Remember "I'm Just a Bill"...
trying to get a bill passed by governemnt...
I'm going to be singing this stuff all DAY now, Suz. "Conjunction Junction, What's Your Function..."
My daughter was telling us just last night that she had to watch all the school house rock videos in school this week and how awful they were! My hubby & I couldn't believe it!! We stared singing and she just groaned... we told her we're gonna put some of the songs on her ipod :) I love the fun music... and the roller skating reference!! What memories!
Me too, Dawn - it must be a "generational" thing, because we bought the DVD for our kids for Christmas a couple of years ago and they watched it once and looked at it like we were the LAMEST parents on the planet! LOL. :-)
Clearly you, me, and Suzanne have TASTE! :-)
My niece Megan (who's 3) absolutely loves Schoolhouse Rock. She's so retro!
But try putting in the DVD around my 3 year old boys and there will be howls of protest.
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