Finally got around to watching "Juno" this weekend.
Great movie. Really funny, really sweet, really quirky.
Ellen Page nailed the title role - quite a talented young lady, she is.
I give it 2 thumbs up.
The Assorted Wanderings, Wonderings, and Miscellaneous Musings of a Suburban Wife & Mother
Awake O'Sleeper from Brandon McCormick on Vimeo.
I loved this movie. Very funny.
The "chair" scene was a bit uncomfortable since I was seeing it with LoLo. I did make her wait till she was 14 to see PG13 movies though....
Yeah, my kids wanted to watch it and I said "No, you guys aren't QUITE old enough yet...."
It was really well acted. Brought back a lot of HS memories too!
I thought Ellen Page was great.... the whole cast was great, really.
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