She had the presence of mind to run inside and grab her camera.
I on the other hand would have shrieked like a child, passed out, and the snake would have taken the opportunity to constrict and then eat me and slither off into the woods, and then my friends would all say "Whatever happened to HWHL? She never calls anymore....."
To say I'm not crazy about snakes is an understatement, which my husband finds humorous, considering he had 2 pet pythons when we first started dating (which, I might add, did not come with him when we got married....)
I really can't imagine being all warm and relaxed in the sun and looking over and seeing a SERPENT just mere feet away. No thanks.
Love the Georgia O Pics.
She was fantastic wasn't she?
Snakes....I can take em' or leave em'. Given a choice...I'll leave em'. In the last 2 weeks we have had 2 large black racers get onto our lanai. I don't know how they find their way in...both times I had 3 cats and 1 dog just staring at the thing. Guess who had to get it out? Moi. The kids were at school, usually it would be their job.
If I were with you, I suppose I would have to save you too. :)
Isn't it funny how some cats are fierce hunters and some just AREN'T?? Our most recent cat (Midnight) brought home "bounty" from the previous night's hunt almost every morning. However, I've had two cats in the past who have literally looked at a mouse that had gotten into the house and looked at me like "Ummm, hello... Rodent Alert... 3 o'clock...."
Silly felines.
No snakes up here in MN! One reason is that in the winter it gets to -20 degrees (for weeks at a time)!
Those snakes are SMART, Deron! I wouldn't live somewhere that cold either! (In fact, when my brother and sis-in-law moved to Mpls in 1999 I was like "Are you SURE you want to live there?" but they've been there ever since.... they love it!) I enjoy visiting them, but ONLY in the Spring and Summer. :-)
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