...being duly inspired by my dear friend Suz, I dug up this Very Old picture of us, circa 1986/1987. If memory serves, this was taken at a New Years Eve party, and I was 19 and Hubster (who, obviously, was just Boyfriend then) was 22. Just LOOK at the big hair. (Birds and/or small woodland creatures could have been nesting in my hair and I would have never have known.)
(But then again, it was the 80's. Hair like this was 'par for the course'.)
Ah, young love. Look how blissfully unaware we were of life's harsh realities. LOL.
It's truly amazing how quickly time flies by.....
You actually sent me this picture years ago. I HOPE it was new years eve, because you have some ribbon around your neck...
very cute.
I'm next going to dig through my dusty box of HS snapshots in the basement. Surely I can find a snapshot of the two of us in there worthy of posting (and laughing over...)
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