One of the MANY hats I wear, in addition to Mom, Wife, Chauffeur, Maid, Child Psychologist, Referee, Dog Trainer, and Comedienne (thanks to my blog) is (drum roll please) my "Home School Harriet Hat" (see attached sketch).
Yes, because both my children struggle with Math, we are doing 45 minutes of Math exercises every single weekday. When I announced to my children that we would be doing this over the Summer they looked at me as though flames were shooting out of my head.
I stopped, let this new information sink in, then told them that this was non-negotiable.
So, every morning at 10 AM, I stop working, go downstairs, turn off cartoons and videogames, pick up cereal bowls and announce (with a big grin) "Time for Math!" I am met with groans, rolled eyes, and a daily Battle Of The Wills ensues. But it's OK. I still outweigh them, so I always win.
Now before you think I'm the Meanest Mom Ever (a title they've already bestowed upon me), they still have plenty of "down" time. We still make it to the pool almost every day, and I make it a point to take them out for at least one "fun" outing every week. And of course they're always running around with their friends and playing. Really, this is only 45 minutes out of a whole day.
I must say though that I do have a newfound respect for homeschooling Moms. This stuff is challenging, and I'm really only doing one little subject. I can't imagine if I were doing a whole SCHEDULE of classes. (One of my cousins - who is a mother of 8 - homeschools her children. I think I'm going to write her a hand-written letter and tell her that I'm in AWE of her.... I'm sure she'll appreciate that. Assuming she has time to actually read the letter.)
Hey now, I do NOT look like that! You are so funny. I'm a homeschool mom. I chose it because my two little ones are BRIGHT... as bright as the two older ones. But the two older ones got all caught up in the non-school stuff and we were constantly struggling. At first, the older two were trying to "save" the little ones from homeschooling. Then they saw what we were doing and told me they wished they'd have had the same experience. That makes it all worth it.
Godd job sticking to the Non-Negotiable schedule. You're right, they PLENTY of down time. Tell them Sugar said to stop whining.
For encouragement. The following is a TRUE story: the summer after 4th grade, I made my kids do 40 minutes of math EVERY DAY. I bought a teacher math workbook and they did it EVERY DAY. They hated me. They cried. They moaned. I was the baddest, meanest mommy on the planet. Ever. Infinity. But darned if they didn't get their math facts BEATEN INTO THEIR HEADS. Along comes 7th grade and algebra and needing mind-enabled division and stuff for which they need BASIC MATH FACTS. They are the best in the class. One day Daughter comes home and says, "Remember that summer we had to do math facts every day? THANK YOU. I couldn't get through this algebra stuff without it. My friends say I'm lucky to have such a great mom." I fainted. Right there. ON the floor. (ok the fainting part is a lie. The rest is true....)
You Go Mom! You Rock!
You crack that whip Mama! Awesome. If I had it my way I'd be in school forever. I loved school!
GND - this is SO encouraging! My kids just finished 4th and 5th, so your story is especially encouraging! (And yes, I would have fainted too...) :-)
KBL - I agree with you completely - I love to learn and hope, ONE DAY, my children will feel the same way (actually, they do... except for math!)
Good luck with that. I've often wondered what it'd be like teaching my kids math (or any subject). I've always liked teaching; when I was in grade school I would volunteer to teach certain portions of the course.
I also loved teaching Sunday School and med students, but the amount of prep time to do any kind of teaching is staggering. My hat is off to you!
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