Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My Over-Active Imagination

Because I'm self employed, and in a sales-based business, I tend to be a VERY "glass-is-half-full" kind of person. (Actually, I tend to be a "glass-is-so-full-we-may-soon-need-a-bucket" kind of person....)
Right now, my business partner and I are working on some potentially very profitable deals. Of course, being a Serial Optimist, I'm positive that they are ALL going to come through.
So positive, in fact, that I have been e-shopping for my new convertible.
I can't decide..... should it be:

The VW Beetle?
The Audi A4?
The BMW 3 Series?
The Volvo C70?

Never mind the fact that my Delinquent Clients who still owe me $15,000 have not paid and just today I had to move some money from savings to checking to pay bills. All that is BESIDE THE POINT..... Soon, these delinquent clients will pay - I keep telling myself this (soon I will be clicking my ruby slippers together and saying it over and over).

Of course, these new deals could ALL come crashing down (and, in sales, that's often what happens....) but it sure is fun to visualize yourself cruising around in one of these babies, isn't it?....
And now, back to Reality, and back to my slightly dented, yet very reliable 6 year old PAID FOR vehicle. :-)


Sugar Jones said...

Ummm... the Beetle is MINE! Now that gas is so expensive ($4.50 in San Diego), I have every reason to get that car. YAY!

You seem like an Audi kinda girl. Zippy, classic...

HWHL said...

This is kinda just a fantasy thing at this point.... BUT my kids are both voting for the Beetle as well. They are awfully cute. And you can get a deal on them at Carmax. (Do you guys have Carmax in CA? I love Carmax... got my current car there, and really like how they do business.)

Suzanne said...

I say get one of each. why not. the check is in the mail right?
have you call the late payers yet?
Do you want me to?
I love all of the cars...but I have to say convertibles make me nervous. I am a nervous ninny.
No roll bar. You could easily get robbed or car jacked at a stop light....
oh did you hear that? waaawaaawaaa
Debby Downer is here!

Unknown said...

So how do you get the "glass is half full" outlook? Are you born with it, or do you just develop it?

I have never really had this outlook, and I'm not sure I could convince myself to have it. I mean it's great that you do, and I admire you for having it, but it's not something I think I could be.

It's not that I'm sad or depressed. I'm a pretty happy and very joyful person. I'm just not optimistic. I'm a happy pessimist (if there is such a thing). I don't mope around saying the "sky is falling"; I just acknowledge that the sky may indeed be falling (if God wills it) and try to go about my own merry way.

HWHL said...

Suz - My business partner (who is WAY meaner than me) has called the delinquent clients to "urge" them to pay. I'm sure the money will come soon. Really. And then I'll take your suggestion and buy one of each. And I'll come get YOUR worry-wort @ss and we'll go for a really fast ride down in the 'hood, ok? And we WON'T get jacked or robbed, little missy.

Deron - I used to be a worry-wort, and then I read a handful of books that changed things for me: "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" by Dale Carnegie; "The Power of Positive Thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale and (drum roll please) "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. (T&GR is one of my all time favorite books.) I realized that, truly, the mind is where it all begins and we have control over our thoughts which then yields tremendous influence over our actions and, ultimately, our lives. (A related book, which is also pretty good - but not quite as good as the 3 above - is Joyce Meyer's "Battlefield of the Mind"). God gave us AMAZING brains, and we humans BARELY scratch the surface!