Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Man Carrie Bradshaw SHOULD Have Chosen

Yes, I realize this isn't the "People's Choice", but I have always preferred Aidan to Mr. Big.

He's cuter, more laid back, definitely sexier, and better all-around Long-Term Boyfriend Material.

Carrie screwed up when she left sweet, loyal Aidan to return to that cad Big.

Anyone in agreement??


Suzanne said...

YESSSSSS. He is Da'Bomb.
Love him.
Do you know he is involved with Bo Derek in real life? She is much older....she is a lucky gal.

HWHL said...

Yes, I did know that. And yes, I'm sure they have lots of fun together. :-)

I have told Hubster that, unless he gives up smoking, I will become a (relatively young) widow with LOTSA life insurance money to spend and I'll undoubtedly attract a young, studly man (not unlike John Corbett).

I'm hoping this will help encourage him to QUIT smoking.... but alas, so far, it has NOT. (Because, truthfully, I really just want to grow old with the husband I already have.... but hey. If I HAVE to have a John Corbett clone for Hubster #2, so be it. I'm sure I'll find a way to soldier on.) ;-)

Najia said...

He is a total hottie-boom-body. I ALWAYS preferred him to In the Closet Mr. Big. Have always loved the rugged, I-work-with-my-hands, protector type of guys. Aidan fits that bill. God bless that wood working carpenter of a man!

Plus, he had Pete, the gorgeous English Pointer. I'll take the guy with the dog over the prissy boy ANY DAY.

*sigh* Aaaaidan Shaw *sigh again*

HWHL said...

KBL, I couldn't agree with you more!
Picture yourself for a moment as Carrie Bradshaw, and you're sitting on the steps of your brownstone. On one side of the street is Aidan, in his faded jeans and flannel shirt, walking his dog. He's "just being Aidan", with that laid back smile of his. On the other side of the street is that silly Mr. Big in his silly Lincoln Town car, in his silly power suit, with that silly little sneer of his.

Gee, which one shall you choose???
LOL. (I guess it's pretty obvious which one MY "inner Carrie" would choose....) ;-)

Sugar Jones said...

I never got into Sex In the City. I don't know why... I think I was jealous of their clothes... or freedom... or both. Anyway, I did follow my friends' conversations and also watched Northern Exposure and Law & Order long enough to know that Carrie is an idiot. John Corbett has such a sweet disposition and calming demeanor. Plus that voice. I'm not a Chevy fan, but thank you Chevrolet for using his larynx to soften the sell. (They are obviously marketing to women!)

HWHL said...

Hmmm.... I hadn't realized he was doing voice work for Chevrolet. How bout that. I'll have to start paying attention. :-)